8 thoughts on “You’ve Got To Love Self Pwnage..

  1. I suppose you mean the math post 🙂
    But I also thought this was insightful: ” I believe those blue shoulders are getting nerfed next patch. It’s Blizzard’s way of improving Karazhan loot.”
    lol 🙂

  2. I guess you failed that part of the math test.

    x < y = X is GREATER then Y x > y = X is LESS then y

    Your title is saying “Karazhan loot is GREATER then blues. anouther big wtf?” that doesn’t make any sense.

  3. I saw the math post and just… read it three or four times, thinking, I CAN’T have just read this. But it was still there, even after all the blinking and turning the laptop screen sideways and all that.

    I’d like to think the person just totally forgot to drink their coffee that morning and can’t think until after they’ve had three or four tall cups of the stuff. But that seems overly optimistic.

  4. Yeah, I didn’t buy the claims of troll. Trolls generally sit back and enjoy the flames; they don’t make a big deal out of the fact that they’re trolls.

  5. Yeah, that definitely hurt my brain a bit.

    Like others, I had to reread the post a couple times to actually believe someone could be that dumb. And then when I read the reply to the effect of “You just made yourself look like a total retard. Congrats.”, I saw what you meant about making sure I wasn’t drinking something.

    The whole scenario keeps playing itself over and over in my head, and each time it just gets more amusing and more sad, lol.

  6. This is why I don’t publicize my math musings. I only make silly bets with my guy about whether pico or nano is a smaller measurement unit.

    I lost, though. Pico turned out to be smaller than nano. :/

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