Enjoy VD

Catassers!Here’s a fun way to celebrate VD — the made-up holiday, not the gift that keeps on giving long after the post-coital glow has left you — Be My Anti-Valentine.

If that site wasn’t on its knees from the crush of VD traffic, that’s the card I’d email to serverperformanceissues (at) blizzard (dot) com and raidanddungeondesignfeedback (at) blizzard (dot) com.

Here’s something I *can* give you for VD, a short set of Warcraft screenshots that a reader, who wished to remain uncredited, emailed me … and I think this is from Medivh, again, the second most interesting specimens server population around. (I think this is Medivh, my notes are somewhat incomplete.)

A vignette told in two screenshots, that I call “No Licks Allowed”: Part I and Part II.

I know … just makes you wanna go have a lick, doesn’t it? Unless you already have a Warcraft character on Medivh, you’re out of luck. Character creation is still closed.

Besides, you really shouldn’t go licking around VD anyways. Dangerous.


Dandelion of Warcraft’s Whisperwind realm was out and about in the world on her level 38 hunter, minding her own business no doubt, when she unwisely decided to tangle with a level 46 Alliance warlock. Later, seeking some payback with her more able-bodied character, she exacts her revenge on the warlock while he is … how to say? … resting in the Lakeshire Inn with his lady friend. The well-told story, in her own words, from the Warcraft forums is here.

Oh, but that’s not all. Upon reading her story, which is like something out of Unforgiven, Whisperwind residents Thorrbo and Sage tried to get the warlock’s side of the story and were treated to some misdirected cybering and told off by the warlock’s lady friend, who explained that they were both 14 years old (as opposed to 35-year-old men).

I’m not buying 14 years old for this reason alone: those mistells sure have the stink of booze and I’d like to think that there are no 14 year olds anywhere that are playing Warcraft drunk. Please do not correct me on this.

Archived thread (for when the live thread dies)
I saved the screenshots in a Flickr photoset for easier viewing. (click all sizes on each photo page for a larger view.)

Story found by frequent commenter Elbows.

A Cyber Tale

Originally posted by Sligoth of Warcraft’s Thunderlord realm, deleted, and then, through the wonders of internet cache, this cyber tale is now resurrected: “My name is Sligoth, and I am a level 41 rogue. On a day like any other, I was farming up copper to hand in for the war effort when I ran by a little hut near Orgrimmar. Strange things were said in that hut and – being an adult – it did not take me long to figure out that some serious World of Warcraft cyber was underway.” Screenshots are included, or, if you are as annoyed by imageshack as I am, I’ve mirrored the shots in a Flickr set. (Forum thread archive)