
I was clicking through some new links, (mmmm, net freshness), when I happened upon yet another gaming web comic strip. Man … normally I don’t even bother reading those anymore.

To do a comic strip you need to be: A. funny, and B. a good artist, and most are C. neither.

I didn’t even get past the first strip, y’know to see if he was usually funny and a good artist, because his main character had the exact same name as this crazy fuck I knew in EverQuest-Classic. Let’s say his name was Venus, although it wasn’t, so don’t ask any Venuses you run across if they’re crazy fucks. (Even though they probably are, that would be rude.)

Now Venus, the character, was a half-elf chick, but Venus, the player, was a dude. (Ya, one of those shemales you’ve heard so much about.) Apparently it was Venus’ aim to roleplay a lesbian slut because he spent the latter portion of his EQ career trying to cyber the pants off of every pixelated female on the server.

At least he was carving out his own niche in the cyber game.

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I had another one of those wickedly evil ideas the other day. As you may know, I’m a fan of gaming pranks … all flavors … even when I am the intended victim. Like last week when one of my World of Warcraft guildmates submitted my character name and stats to this rival guild (and they’re ALL rivals) as an applicant.

I suspected something was up as he would start giggling on TeamSpeak every time I’d say “I just got a weird tell” (and they’re ALL weird tells). After I’d share that it was just another BRD invite from a guild I’d never heard of before, he’d say, “oh”, kinda dejectedly. I know now that he was waiting for his little prank bomb to go off and could hardly contain himself.

Finally, it detonated and we all had a good laugh at their (and my) expense. The fake guild app is a classic and I never tire of it.

He’ll have to try harder than that to top the prank I pulled off almost a year ago in Star Wars Galaxies when I told this perennially-hard cyberbag that a guildmate was a woman (IRL!!), but somewhat shy until “warmed up”, if you know what I mean and I think you do, and then … LOOK OUT, because the dude was in for one wild cyber ride. Heh, took the guildie a good month or more to peel that dog off his leg.

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